Tap beer dakota beer pub elliniko argyroupoli glyfada area
by Dakota Beer Pub
Craft Beer

Beer strengthens the bones.
Beer contains natural silicone, which promotes the growth of muscle tissue and increases bone mass.

Beer reduces the risk of a heart attack.
Moderate beer consumption reduces the risk of a heart attack from 25% – 40%.

Beer regulates cholesterol
Enjoying a beer increases the level of good HDL cholesterol in the blood.

Beer reduces the risk of developing diabetes
Research shows the link between moderate beer consumption and risk reduction of type II diabetes.

Beer prevents grit.
With regular beer consumption, the possibility of kidney stone formation may be reduced by 40%.

Beer protects against dementia.
It has been found that beer protects against extreme stress, one of the factors that can lead to dementia with age.

Connoisseurs of beer know well that quality beer not only affects positively mood but also help maintains good health.

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